Middle East and the Mediterranean affairs from the perspective of an Egyptian award-winning writer and human rights activist. Writes in Arabic and English.
Monday, May 28, 2007
أبو النجوم - الفاجومي العظيم - فتح مدونة
Friday, May 25, 2007
علاء الأسواني و صراع الحضارات Stop the Clash
انتهيت بالأمس من قراءة رواية شيكاغو لعلاء الأسواني و هي طبعا رواية جيدة جدا و أنا أحببتها إلى حد ما, بل أعجبتني بقدر ما أعجبني فيلم – و ليس رواية – عمارة يعقوبيان لنفس الكاتب, ربما كانت تلك واحدة من أروع العبارات التي قرأتها في شيكاغو و في حياتي أيضا:
"... يقاتل الجندي أعداءه بضراوة, يتمنى لو يفنيهم جميعا ... لكنه إذا قدر له مرة واحدة أن يعبر إلى الجانب الآخر و يتجول بين صفوفهم سيجدهم بشرا طبيعيين مثله, سيرى أحدهم يكتب خطابا لزوجته, و آخر يتأمل صور أطفاله, و ثالثا يحلق ذقنه و يدندن ... كيف يفكر الجندي حينئذ؟ ربما يعتقد أنه كان مخدوعا عندما حارب هؤلاء الناس الطيبين و عليه أن يغير موقفه منهم ..."
مقطوعة موسيقية أبدعت في صياغتها يا علاء الأسواني, فلك كل التحية, و إليك مقطع فيديو من حملة AVAAZ.org لوقف الصراع الإنساني بين الحضارات تشرح نفس المعنى تقريبا.
Friday, May 18, 2007
روحي و روحك حبايب من قبل ده العالم و الله

في كل مرة ... بعدما أفيق من حالة النشوة التي يغمرني بها أدائه التمثيلي المتشرب بصلوات الروح و ألحانه و أغنياته التي تعيد للقلب اتزانه, أسأل نفسي من أين لي به, فهل تسمح لي قوانين العقل البشري بتجاوز المسموح به و الانزلاق في حالة عشق أبدي معه, على الرغم من أن الحياة أجبرته على الرحيل قبل وصولي أنا بسنوات و سنوات و بخلت على قلبي المسكين بمتعة اللقاء. كلما تلذذت بألم حبي المستحيل أجد نفسي أتطلع بشغف إلى الجنة التي قد أقابله فيها, و أسأل نفسي في تردد هل سيسمح لي الله عندما يدخلني الجنة برفقة حبيبي الذي منعتني الدنيا من صحبته؟ و هل سيكون مصيره النهائي في الجنة معي؟ أم أن مصيره النار؟ و علي إذن أن أجتهد على قدر العشق الذي يسكنني بالدعاء إلى الله ليدخله الجنة معي؟ و لكن من يضمن لي أني سأدخل أنا الجنة؟ أنا أضمن لنفسي ذلك, ألم يقل الله في حديث من الأحاديث القدسية "أنا عند ظن عبدي بي". و أنا غالب ظني أني سألتقي بفريد الأطرش هناك على ضفاف نهر الكوثر حيث نستظل بالشجرة التي كافئني بها الله على كثرة تسبيحاتي و استغفاراتي من ذنوب أخشي الوقوع بها. و سنبدأ معا - أنا و فريد - في صياغة جنتنا الخاصة, من بعض كلماتي و الكثير الكثير من ألحانه.
Saturday, May 12, 2007
Judge Murad is accusing me of contempting Islam and wants to block my blog!!!!!

The Judge Abdul Fattah Murad wants to block my blog because of this poem. What do you think? He is accusing me of contempting Islam. I am a Muslim and I am proud of this. However, I will never agree with your shameful practices against my friend Kareem Amer. Clear?
For more information read HRinfo Press Release.
سجين داليا زيادة أيا عبيد الذل و الضعف المهين أيا زبانية الجحيم تسألوني عن صلاتي عن صيامي عن حياتي عن كلام قلته للعالمين تتعجبون و تسألون إن كنت عبدا مثلكم فاسمعوني كلكم ولو شئتم لا تسمعون أيا أيها المحققون أنا لا أعبد ما تعبدون و لا أنتم على ما اعبد تقدرون لكم دينكم و لي بين الأديان دين أنتم عبيد القهر و الذل المهين أما أنا فلي فؤاد شامخ عبد للسلام شمس الحقيقة قبلتي و البحر لي بيت وسيع أسجنوني .. عذبوني لن أعود و لن أخاف ألا تعون؟ في أن أكون سجين داليا زيادة | Prisoner Dalia Ziada O' slaves of wretchedness and abject weakness O' torturers coming from hell You're questioning my prayers, My fasting, my life, and My messages to universe! You wonder and ask Whether I'm a slave like you Or I have a creed and religion. Hey all of you, listen to me, Or if you want don't listen: O' my interrogators, I am not a worshiper of what you worship And you cannot worship what I worship You have a religion, And I have some other religion. You are the worshipers of lies and illusions. You are the worshipers of coercion, And disgusting humbleness. While I am not. I have a brave heart, Which cannot be defeated I am one of the servants of the bestower of truth And also the servant of the bestower of peace. All of egypt is my sanctuary. And the radiance of the truth is my qiblah [direction of prayer]. The sea is my extended home. Imprison me ... Torture me! I won’t retreat, I won't panic. Do not you understand? I have the honor To stick to my beliefs Even if I'll have The title of prisoner I'm steadfast, I won't surrender Dalia Ziada |
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
God and woman in Egypt

God and woman in Egypt
A feminist writer accused of insult to Islam religion
Amr Eman, Chronicle Staff Writer
Sunday, May 6, 2007
Nawal al Saadawi, one of Egypt's most renowned feminists, is shocked at the latest controversy surrounding her work.
"It is a mere work of fiction that has nothing to do with reality," said the 75-year-old writer in a telephone interview.
Her play "God Resigns in the Summit Meeting" revolves around the question of whether a just God exists. The script portrays two deities -- a god of justice and a god of injustice -- each trying to win over prophets such as Muhammad, Abraham and Moses. In the end, the god of justice wins out.
Many Muslims are against any portrayal of God.
"I have always believed that God is just; my grandmother kept telling me that," al-Saadawi said from West Virginia, where she is staying with a friend. "If I am really wrong, these people should challenge my ideas with opposite ideas."
These people are members of the Islamic Research Academy, which was established in the early 1930s at Cairo's al-Ahzar University to decide what the public should not be allowed to read. It has called al-Saadawi an apostate and has filed a lawsuit asking a state prosecutor to investigate on the grounds that her play insults Islam. The Islamic university is the Arab world's oldest and Egypt's most important religious institution.
"The play is obscene and offends God," said Sheikh Mustafa al-Shaka'a, one of the Academy's 25 members, who conceded he has not read the script.
"Humans are not supposed to criticize the creator," al-Shaka'a said. "Islam comes from God, and God's work cannot be questioned or criticized. That is why Islam does not accept criticism."
This is not the first time that religious officials have attacked al-Saadawi. Dozens of her books have been banned in Egypt and other Arab countries.
Several years ago, she challenged the importance of the Hajj, the annual journey Muslims make to Mecca as an expression of unity. She argued that the tawaf, the ritual of walking counter-clockwise around the Kaaba, is a pre-Islamic practice that has nothing to do with Islam. She has also campaigned against the Islamic veil and female circumcision, and has continually railed against male domination. In 1981, she created the Arab Women's Solidarity Association, the nation's first independent women's organization.
A psychiatrist by trade, al-Saadawi lost her job in the Ministry of Health in Egypt in 1965 because of her political views. Her magazine, Health, was closed by the government after it focused on issues relating to women's sexual health that had been practically unheard of in Egypt.
In 2001, an Islamic lawyer filed divorce proceedings to break up her marriage, arguing that "an infidel should not be married to a Muslim man." But her husband, 83-year-old Sherif Hetata, is one of her biggest supporters.
"Those who oppose al-Saadawi's ideas would never allow a logical discussion of them," said Hetata, a Cairo physician. "They know that enlightened thoughts would win the day and that is why they are afraid."
In 2005, al-Saadawi ran for president. It was a short-lived campaign since independent candidates were eventually banned from running against President Hosni Mubarak in what many had hoped would be Egypt's first competitive presidential election.
Her name has also figured on several death lists of Islamic extremist organizations, according to her Web site (www.nawalsaadawi.net).
Now, some Egyptian writers fear the latest pronouncement by the al-Ahzar watchdog group will give extremists carte blanche to kill her. In 1994, Egypt's late Nobel laureate Naguib Mahfouz was stabbed in the neck by a religious fanatic after a prominent sheikh said his novel "The Children of Gabalawi" offended God.
"They should judge religious matters only," said Ahmed el-Shahawi, a poet who has also provoked the religious establishment with his writings. "Art cannot be judged by religious standards."
In February, Mahmoud Madbouli, who has published more than 40 books written by al-Saadawi, recalled and later burned the play's script from the annual, state-organized Cairo International Book Fair, the largest book event in the Arab world.
"After we printed the book, we were alerted to its offensive nature," said Madbouli, who conceded that he has also not read the script. "I learned that the book slurs God and Prophet Muhammad."
After the book fair, al-Saadawi traveled to Belgium. Egyptian newspaper headlines said she fled for fear of being attacked by Islamic fundamentalists. Al-Saadawi denies that she left Egypt because of possible threats.
"I was delivering a number of lectures on women and politics there," she said. "I did not flee Egypt as the newspapers claimed."
Meanwhile, al-Saadawi says she will not return to Egypt "until the fuss over my play calms down, " and she is hard at work on a new novel that resembles her life story.
"The heroine in the novel can't live peacefully in her country -- simply because she cannot embrace the generally held beliefs," she said.
Friday, May 04, 2007
RSF Petetion in support of Kareem and Monem
Six months after the arrest of Kareem Amer, Reporters Without Borders has started a petition calling for the blogger's release and that of his colleague Abdul-Moneim Mahmud.
Internet-users are being asked to sign online, in which the worldwide press freedom organisation calls on the Internet Governance Forum (IGF), a conference organised under the UN mantle, to block Egypt from hosting the event in 2008 unless the two bloggers are freed.
Sign the petition : http://www.rsf.org/article.php3?id_article=21993
Text of the petition:
"We call for the release of Abdel Kareem Nabil Suleiman (Kareem Amer) and of Abdul-Moneim Mahmud, who have been imprisoned for expressing their opinion online. We urge the organisers of the Internet Governance Forum to intervene with the Egyptian authorities on behalf of these two bloggers. It would be intolerable for a UN summit on the future of the Internet to be held in a country which imprisons bloggers".
The petition will be sent, on 6 November 2007, exactly one year after the arrest of Kareem Amer, to Egyptian President, Hosni Mubarak, to Executive Coordinator of the IGF, Markus Kumar, as well as to the UN Secretary General, Ban Ki-moon.
"Kareem Amer"
Abdel Kareem Nabil Suleiman, better known by the pen name Kareem Amer, was arrested on 6 November 2006, for articles published on his blog (www.karam903.blogspot.com). He frequently attacked the authoritarian excesses of the government of Hosni Mubarak and criticised the country's top religious authorities, particularly the Sunni University Al-Azhar, where he was studying law. The blogger was sentenced on 22 February 2007, to three years in prison for "inciting hatred of Islam" and one year for "insulting" the Egyptian president. The sentence was upheld on appeal on 12 March.
Abdul-Moneim MahmudAbdul-Moneim Mahmud, who runs the blog Ana Ikhwan (www.ana-ikhwan.blogspot.com), was arrested on 14 April 2007. He has been officially accused of membership of the banned Muslim Brotherhood, but his detention appears most likely linked to articles and photos he has posted online and at his work exposing torture committed by the security services.
First organisations and bloggers who signed the petition:
- The Free Kareem campaign (www.FreeKareem.org)
- Free Monem (http://freemonem.cybversion.org/)
- Alaa & Manal (http://www.manalaa.net)
- HAMSA initiative of the American Islamic Congress (www.hamsaweb.org)
- Dalia Ziada (http://daliaziada.blogspot.com)
- Milton Mueller, partner, "Internet Governance Project"(www.internetgovernance.org/)
- Ethan Zuckerman - My Heart's in Accra, http://ethanzuckerman.com/blog
- Soci of Singabloodypore at http://singabloodypore.rsfblog.org
- Christophe Grébert (www.monputeaux.com, webcitoyen.com)
- Olivier Grobet (Humanitaire.ws)
- Christophe Ginisty (http://www.ginisty.com)
- Cristiano de S' Fagundes (www.e-squina.blogspot.com)
- Nicolas Vanbremeersch (www.versac.fr)
- Pierre Catalan (http://pierrecatalan.hautetfort.com)
- Sami Ben Gharbia (http://www.kitab.nl/)
- Solana Larsen (http://www.solanasaurus.com)
- Dan Larsen (http://www.blogbyblog.dk)
- Hervé Resse (http://blog-hrc.typepad.com/ressepire)
- Florentine (http://www.Florentine.typepad.com)
- Andriy Ignatov,Maidan International (www.activist.org.ua/eng/)
- Fred de Mai (www.fdmai.com)