Sunday, October 28, 2018

A balanced US is necessary for a balanced world

My heart goes to the families of the victims of the tragic mass shooting at a Synagogue in Pittsburgh, yesterday. Shooting civilians while praying on a holy day is horrible and intolerable! 

It is heartbreaking to see the United States, the most powerful country in the free world, the creator and promoter of liberal democracy, going down this horrible road of hatred and mass murder, based not only on religion or race, but also on political differences! 

Earlier this week, a series of bombs were sent to Obamas, Clintons, CNN, Businessman George Soros, Actor Rober De Niro, and others. Most of the targets are democrats and well-known for their stance against Trump's policies. 

Those acts of hate were committed by American citizens, not terrorists coming from outside the US. The sender of the bombs his intention was to scare anti-Trump democrats. The killer at the Synagogue said he "want all Jews dead!" That is horrible! 

The political mess and tolerance of hate speech in the past two years led to those tragic scenes we are seeing today, in the United States. Those horrific acts are, in fact, a disturbing alarm that requires immediate political re-arrangement inside the US.  

Although polls are not very optimistic about the performance of democrats in the upcoming midterm elections, I still hope Americans, especially reasonable and sane republicans, would lead to push for this most needed balance in the political power during the upcoming mid-term elections. Remember, it is not about competition and who wins over all the seats, but it is about keeping America great. 

Finally, if you are wondering why I care so much about stability in the US, while I am not an American; I, sincerely, believe that a balanced US is necessary for a balanced world. When America is sane, the world tends to be relatively more sane.