Middle East and the Mediterranean affairs from the perspective of an Egyptian award-winning writer and human rights activist. Writes in Arabic and English.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Dalia Ziada tells the story behind Cairo Human Rights Film Festival
Monday, October 26, 2009
When will you set Kareem Amer free?

Saturday, October 24, 2009
يحدث الآن في الغردقة: أيمن نور ومساعديه يتعرضون للهجوم على يد بلطجية

According to reports from the Red Sea resort town surrounding the incident, the United States Department of State had been intervening in order to calm the situation. These still unsubstantiated reports from a trusted source said that an official from the Democracy and Human Rights department was making moves to resolve the situation.
However, it appears that an American filmmaker was with Nour at the restaurant, so this could have been the reason the State Department had taken an immediate interest in the safety of an American citizen.
By midnight, a reconciliation agreement had been made between Nour and the police, allowing Nour, his assistant and those traveling back to Cairo to return on the 1 am flight, but the situation had been tense for hours.
Ahmed Abdul Gawad, Nour’s media assistant, was severely beaten and wounded, Nour said on Saturday evening in a telephone conversation detailing what had occurred. Until late on Saturday, Nour and his assistants remained stuck inside the restaurant, which was surrounded by the “thugs” who continued to shout: “Viva Mubarak, Viva Egypt” in an apparent attempt to get the politicians to exit the restaurant.
Nour and his supporters said attackers tried to steal Gawad’s camera and papers, but the owner of the restaurant pulled him inside the restaurant again in order to protect him from the onslaught. Nour and his colleagues had been having dinner with the members of the el-Ghad Party Committee of Hurghada, before they were to go to the airport to take a flight back to Cairo.
They attempted to call the local police and security forces to help them, but nobody showed up. Only a small truck of Tourism Police came to the location of the incident and left after few minutes, without taking any action, Nour said.
Some members of the el-Ghad Party Committee in Hurghada recognized the attackers. They said that they are “security forces aided by some members of the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) Council in Hurghada!”
“This is a severe attack and unforgivable escalation,” Nour said. “This sinful coalition between security forces and NDP is the worst form of terrorism. They are punishing us for our tour in Luxor yesterday.”
At 11 pm, Nour and his party remained trapped in the restaurant. Nour stated that he would remain inside until there was a response from the Hurghada General Prosecutor’s office. Obviously, one had come.
Allegedly, supporters of Nour’s were planning to converge on the area in order to “confront” the plainclothes thugs. Nour had attempted to call them off, but before the supporters arrived, a deal had been reached allowing him and his group to leave peacefully.
This comes after local residents, upon hearing the news, came out of their houses to protest what was going on, chanting “we love you, Ayman.”
موقع شريط -- حوارات من القلب ، داليا زيادة: انا ونفسي اصدقاء

Friday, October 23, 2009
Can new anti-succession campaign survive?

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
التفاصيل الكاملة لما حدث في مركز أيمن نور بباب الشعرية اليوم

Tuesday, October 20, 2009
داليا زيادة: بنت مصرية حلمها جائزة نوبل - حوار معي في جريدة عين

Saturday, October 17, 2009
Egypt Opposition United against Mubarak Junior

Monday, October 12, 2009
It’s not about Niqab, it’s about credibility

Sunday, October 11, 2009
هلوسات آخر الليل.. معلش أستحملوني

حياتنا هي عبارة عن سلسلة لا نهائية من الاختيارات، في كل دقيقة تمر علينا نكون مجبرين على الاختيار ما بين أمرين أو أكثر. لا ليس فقط كل دقيقة بل ربما كل ثانية، حتى مع تلك الأشياء التي نتصور أننا نفعلها بتلقائية أو تفعل لنا دون أن نشغل بها بالنا كثيرا، أنظر مثلا لعملية التنفس ذاتها، لك أن تختار أن تدع الهواء يخرج من رئتيك أو يبقى فيهما، ولك أن تختار أن تستنشق الأوكسجين أو لا تستنشقه، وفي جميع الأحوال أنت الوحيد الذي سيتحمل مسئولية هذا الأختيار فإما أن تنهي حياتك بالامتناع عن التنفس بكامل إرادتك او تقرر الاستمرار فتعود للتنفس من جديد، هكذا هي الحياة في كل شيء كبر أو صغر، عندما يأتيني النادل مثلا ليسألني ماذا أريد أن أشرب، أحيانا أتردد كثيرا خوفا من أختار شيئا قد يضر بصحتي أو يزيد من وزني، حتى قبل أن أدخل هذا المقهى، فقد ترددت كثيرا في أي مقهى أدخل! كل شيء في حياتي حدث باختياري منذ يوم ولدت وحتى الآن، وهكذا أنت! لا تصدق أن شيئا في الحياة كان مفروضا عليك، لا شيء مفروض، كل شيء كان خاضع لاختياري إلا شيء واحد عائلتي، أمي وأبي – رحمه الله – وأخوتي، وعلى الرغم من أن تلك العائلة هي الشيء الوحيد الذي لم اختره فإنها أكثر شيء أحبه في هذا الكون، اللهم دم عليّ نعمة العيش مع عائلتي الرائعة، حتى وإن كانوا يخنقون حريتي، فإن هذا أختياري، أخترت أن أضحي ببعض حريتي في مقابل آلا أفارقهم أو أعيش بعيدا عنهم.
Friday, October 09, 2009
China’s fake hymen: blessing and curse

Saturday, October 03, 2009
تقرير الأهرام المسائي عن مبادرة "كتابي من أجلك