Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Random thoughts on Kefaya protests yesterday

This video offers a sophisticated comment on the Kefaya demonstrations yesterday. It shows how security forces were violent (again) against protesters. It also shows how protesters reacted with violence too. They tried to beat officers and soldiers back! It is the first time for Egyptian citizens to break their fear of police uniform and attack their attackers!

Surprisingly, the security officers did not care at all for the journalists and cameras that were shooting every thing. They usually prevent journalists from shooting police violence or at least take their footage before they leave! This does not happen this time. But still there were a general sense that media was instructed somehow not to show any thing about the demonstrations to their audience.

The independent 90 Minutes show of the independent Mehwar TV which was present at the demonstrations according to eyewitnesses, made a 30 seconds report about the event! The hostess did not comment at all. This is unusual! On another TV station (Orbit) the famous hostess of Elqahera Alyoum show blamed the protesters and highlighted police officers as victims!

This was very disappointing not only for the activists who were beaten and assaulted at the demonstrations but also for the Egyptian public who had to go to blogs, and international news stations and newspapers to learn the truth.

Wait for my analysis on the potential reasons behind the excessive use of violence by security forces against civil rights protesters and the expected reactions.

To watch the opposite camera angel of the video above (with more shocking details) CLICK HERE.

For more photos from yesterday protests: visit Bikya Masr photo essay section or Youm7 article.

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